Saturday, October 29, 2011
Hello Friends, Citizens,
Dispatch: BAR CRAWL--I will be featured in a rather killer
event TONIGHT (Sat., 10/29, 6pm until late) downtown LA--five contemporary
LA authors/literati reading from five classic LA Noir books--Chandler, James
Cain, Nathanael West... It'll be the mighty, mighty Gary Phillips, badass Cajun
transplant Martin Pousson, the LA Times' Carolyn Kellogg, Libros Schmibros'
David Kipen, and your pal Joseph Mattson (me). I'll be dropping an ace--I'm
reading from Paul Cain's FAST ONE, perhaps the most brutal classic crime novel
ever written, a savagely obscure book by a true enigmatic dynamo. The event
will start at the Last Bookstore at Spring and 5th--FOLLOWING the reading is a
downtown literary bar crawl/pub hop/elixir mixer. Put together by PEN as part
of the Night & The City Festival. Starts at 6pm. Full info here:
Let’s see you tonight!